Endeavoring to Do Better
We Love Carleton College
We Expect Better
Campus sexual assault is a huge problem in the U.S. We are a group of Carleton College alums concerned with discrepancies between the way the college handles cases and its proclaimed dedication to excellence, integrity, and leadership. Sexual misconduct at Carleton, including the behavior of repeat offenders, has harmed survivors and the wider student body for decades.
We’d like to see the college RECKON with its own history, acknowledge mistakes as well as triumphs, and use this understanding to inform priorities for REFORM, then embark on restorative justice measures to REPAIR the damage. We look forward to renewed connection to our alma mater when it embraces the values it espouses.
Original content focusing on significant events related to sexual misconduct complaints and changes to campus policies and staffing.
Personal remembrances from people who experienced or witnessed the battles and other events we cover in the Timeline Project.
In response to an article in the Carleton Voice about Title IX and campus assault, an alum posted this article on Medium, which inspired the formation of Endeavoring to Do Better.