Endeavoring to Do Better
New: Endeavoring to Do Better is featured in the Fall 2024 Carleton Voice, "Voices Heard."
"Come Clean, Carleton," on Medium.com from 2018.
"A Matter of Consent," from the Spring 2017 Carleton Voice.
Carleton's ten-year strategic plan, Carleton 2033.
The problem of institutional betrayal and the need for Institutional Courage.
Know Your IX: Empowering Students to Stop Sexual Violence, a project of Advocates for Youth, offers comprehensive tips on rights, policies, and campus organizing.
The Clery Center, dedicated to guiding institutions of higher education to implement effective campus safety measures.
For survivors
The RAINN hotline offers 24/7 confidential support via chat or phone.
Carleton’s Title IX page.
Many states offer free legal services to victims of sexual assault. This alliance in Chicago is a good example and may be able to help you find help in your area.
Callisto is an encrypted system offering a secure interface where survivors can see if perpetrators have been flagged by any other users and then decide what to do with that information.